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Every human being carries smaller or bigger scars in his heart. These injuries – perhaps originated in childhood, love relationships,
family dramas, disappointments and painful experiences – sometimes prevent us from leading a truly happy life in the here and now.
I would like to change that with you in this healing circle! To do this, we also use the new moon, which is energetically excellent for letting go of the old and starting something new – just as we do in the new moon spell.
By means of my distant Reiki energy transmission as well as the new moon energy we support the healing process of your heart and thus pave the way for your new beginning …
Here you can read more about the Healing Moon – Healing Circle for the Heart…
Feeling the powerful yet gentle Reiki energy over distance is a great and profound experience!
No or the desire to try something new and open yourself to the energy transmission through me. Thank you for your trust already at this point!
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