“Die wahre Ruhe kann nur in der Wahrheit liegen.”
Ferdinando Galiani
Meditation & Mediality & Moon
Mindful, aware and connected through life
I consider meditation to be one of the most important ways to stay centered and confident – even and especially when life around us shows its stormy side.
And also mediumship serves us to come into connection or to be, so that we can finally recognize who we are in truth.
Likewise, the natural lunar cycles are a simple and effective way to move forward on the path toward greater freedom through connectedness …

Mindful and aware through life
I consider meditation to be one of the most important ways to stay centered and, above all, confident – even and especially when life around us shows its stormy side…
Learning and deepening a meditation practice is not as difficult as is often thought – it is crucial that you find a form that is suitable for you personally, so that you also meditate and practice with joy. For this purpose I have designed different possibilities for you.

Liberation through connection
I have been observing for some years that mediumship as well as cooperation with the spiritual world are becoming more and more a new normal – how wonderful! At least since my near-death experience it is natural for me to communicate with entities of other worlds or dimensions.
In my experience, every human being is intuitive, sensitive, empathic, sensitive, has supersensory abilities and can “channel” or receive messages from the spiritual world in another way – some more, others less. Psychic means nothing else than to perceive energies outside the five senses. We want to rediscover and develop this sixth sense by training your psychic abilities and intuition together.

Lunar Contemplations
Harness the power of the moon
Since time immemorial, the moon – in other languages: the moon – has exerted a very special fascination on people. And since time immemorial, people have used the special powers of the full and new moon for special ceremonies and rituals, as well as to support healing and growth processes.
I would like to take up this tradition again and at the same time give you the opportunity to connect more with the rhythms of nature. Especially in wild times, these natural cycles can create orientation and structure that give you a sense of connection, inner stability and trust.