“Wer sich nach Licht sehnt, ist nicht lichtlos, denn die Sehnsucht ist schon Licht.”
Bettina von Arnim
Reiki retreat to start the year
Purification & Alignment – Letting Go & Focusing
In a group of like-minded people we are relaxed in and with Reiki for a whole weekend. Meditations, treatments and discussion circles serve the intensive exchange on all levels. We recharge our batteries, bring our energies into flow, gently release blockages and accompany healing development processes for body, mind and soul. Beneficial heart-opening and soul-stroking encounters allow us to return peacefully and powerfully to our everyday lives.
In the peace and concentration of this Reiki retreat we consciously start into the new year and use the special energy around Imbolc. We cleanse body, mind and soul of all that we no longer want and need and focus on what we want to live in 2023. Thus we plant the seeds for our wishes and plans and create the best possible soil for them to grow and flourish…
For this we retreat to the countryside, more precisely to Schlangenbad-Bärstadt (near Wiesbaden), and use the special energy in and around the seminar house Sampurna. Bärstadt as well as Sampurna are – also energetically – very special places, which I know well and appreciate. I know that we will have it good here!

Awaken the light and the spirits of life in you
This Celtic festival of the cycle of the year used to be celebrated on the second full moon after the winter solstice – in 2023 the moon is full and round on the Sunday of our retreat. The “Feast of Brigid” corresponds to the Candlemas known today.
Imbolc is a festival in which we remember the wild energy of spring – the profoundly alive, which always manages to bring everything back to life and blossom. Externally, nature usually still remains in wintry silence, but the days are already getting noticeably longer – and (almost) imperceptibly the juices in the plants are already rising.
Also for us modern people, who usually have relatively little connection with the origin of life in their everyday life, this is a wonderful time to “shake us up”, to awaken the spirits of life in us, to break our “encrustations”, to let go of the used up and to set impulses for the still young year. And we do all this in conjunction with Reiki.

What awaits you?
Most of those who are interested in this Reiki retreat already know me and my way of working – intuitive, intensive, individual. It is also usually the case that we are flexible in the program I plan, so we adapt it to the needs of the participants.
This creates a balanced mix of meditation, guided exercises, group and small group sessions, “food” for the mind and heart, free time, retreat and community. These elements are provided:
- Various meditations
- Reiju
- Reiki individual and group treatments
- Talks: Questions and answers around spiritual life
- Creative vision work
- and more …
The retreat is intentionally limited to a small group to allow for intensive and individual shared experiences.
You want to answer this call?
… then welcome to our circle!
All you need is yourself, your desire for self-awareness, and the 1st Reiki Degree.
Period: February 3 – 5, 2023

This is the preliminary program:
(may intuitively still change during the days)
Besides the sessions in the group you will have enough time and space for yourself. We work according to the motto: “Everything can, nothing must …” – So you decide if you want to participate in all offers or not.
You will receive a detailed program plan at the beginning.
FRIDAY: Opening
- 6:00 pm: Welcome
- 6:30 pm: First dinner together
- 8:15 pm: Introduction and discussion round as well as ‘bedtime snack’
SATURDAY: Purification & Clarity
- 07:30 am: Silent Gassho morning meditation
- 08:30 am: Breakfast
- 10:00 am: Nightecho & discussion circle
- 11:30 am: Tea break
- 12:00 pm: Purification techniques and Reiki exercises in the group
- 1:00 pm: Lunch and rest
- 3:00 pm: Feedback round: “intermediate status”
- Partner treatments, intuitive
- 4:30 pm: Tea break
- 5:00 pm: Dynamic meditation with Reiki
- 6:30 pm: Dinner
- 8:15 pm -optional: We arrange the evening together, e.g. sitting by the fireplace, or you treat yourself to some time out …
SUNDAY: Change & Vision
- 7:30 am: Silent Gassho morning meditation
- 8:30 am: Breakfast
- 10:00 am: Nightecho & vision work 2023 with Reiki
- 11:00 am: Tea break
- 11:30 am: What is still missing
- Gassho und Reijus
- possibly sitting / lying in silence / self-treatment
- Feedback round and closing circle
- 1:00 pm: Lunch and then we prepare the way home
Touched, cleansed, clarified, connected, liberated, focused, and somehow completely new you can then return to your everyday life.

Arrival and departure
It is best to carpool. All other variants of the journey can be found here.
Room and board
There are single, double and shared rooms as well as a dormitory – please book your stay directly at Sampurna.
The catering consists of: Friday: evening buffet, Saturday all day, Sunday: breakfast and lunch buffet and break tasting. The vegetarian and organic breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets taste great!
The overnight stay is part of the seminar concept, as well as the common meal and the exchange thereby are part of the seminar – so please book in any case!
I recommend booking early at the seminar house so that you can get your desired room.
Tips or offers are provided by the very friendly and competent reception, i.e. Surya and Denise.
Course fee
- Seminar fee: 333 € – early bird discount until 08.08.22: 288 € (plus 19% VAT).
- This includes the “intensive support” during the entire retreat as well as possible handouts.

Formalities – numbers, data, facts …
Payment modalities(course fee)
Upon booking, the entire course fee is due within 7 days. Only then is the place bindingly reserved.
Please clarify all other costs for accommodation and meals directly with the seminar house Sampurna.
Account details (course fee)
Recipient: Spiritual Heights Ltd. (my Cypriot company)
IBAN: LT81 3500 0100 1452 5392
Swift code: EVIULT2VXXX
Bank code: 35000
Bank name: „Paysera LT“, UAB
Bank address: Pilaitės pr. 16, LT-04352, Vilnius, Lithuania
Cancellation fees (course fee)
b) The following cancellation fees will apply if the retreat is cancelled by the client:
- until 30. day before start 10 %
- from 29th to 7th day before start 20 %
- from the 6th day until the day of arrival or in case of cancellation after the beginning 30 % of the course fee.
All other cancellation fees of the seminar house you have booked remain unaffected, i.e. we as course provider are not liable for them.
You have decided? How wonderful!
I am very much looking forward to you and our Reiki time together …
This retreat took place for the first time in February 2018 – it was sooooooo beautiful! Check out this video on facebook …