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Sometimes we feel like we have been working on a certain topic forever, but we don’t really get anywhere. Then it may be that this stubborn pattern of thinking and behavior is not rooted in us, but in our ancestral lineage.
The good news is: Such inherited scars, which are based on certain experiences, decisions, promises or the like of our parents, grandparents or even earlier generations of our own ancestral line, can be resolved. And it is a good time to do it right now!
In this two-part workshop cycle …
You will be amazed at how much this changes for you in your present!
By releasing conscious or unconscious inhibitions and obstacles in your family history, we clear the way for you and your desired life. Because if the life energy from the origin of life through your ancestor lineage to you is guaranteed, the full potential is available to you. And you can use this to shape your life according to your real, true ideas and completely free from past influences. Hooray!
Participation requirements: A little experience in Reiki or another form of energy work and the desire to “clean up”
This working circle is already running, i.e. a registration is no longer useful. If you are interested in this topic, please contact me.