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The Celtic cycle of the year, its mythology and its customs also offer modern man a very natural possibility for structure and orientation, especially in uncertain times. Because through the traditional lunar and solar festivals we can consciously get in touch with our own cultural roots, our individual and collective ancestors and with ourselves.
We use these energetically special times for our spiritual practice in this group. We come together to pause, to consciously interrupt everyday life, to meditate together, to be in touch with the natural rhythms of life, with ourselves, with the community of the living, the world of light and the origin of life.
Reiki or many other self-healing techniques that we know and use in Europe have their home in the Asian culture, but we understand and apply them on the basis of our European roots. For me, it is not a contradiction to combine these traditions. That is exactly what we are doing here in this circle.
Here you can read more about the meditation on the occasion of the annual circle festivals …
The spring equinox corresponds to the former sun festival “Ostara” at the beginning of spring and can be found again in our present Easter. On this day the sun stands over the equator in the zenith and goes thus exactly in the east up and exactly in the west down. This is visible to us in the fact that day and night are of equal length.
This special balance of forces can also be felt energetically. This time also invites us to listen attentively within ourselves in order to sense the rising and invigorating “green forces” (Hildegard von Bingen’s term for the “Ki” in Reiki), which can serve to (re)establish inner and outer balance and holistic renewal.
At least 1st Reiki degree or a basic training in another form of healing energy work as well as a desire to meditate and get to know different time energy qualities.
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