The inner rebellion
It is time …
The day after the first full moon of the year 2021, the following call flowed from my pen:
It is time to gather and unite to consciously create a counterpoint.
This is a CALL to all LIGHT-bearers, LIGHT-warriors, LIGHT-keepers and LIGHT-holders. To all who live in and for LOVE, who stand up for LOVE and who have stood up and are standing up for LOVE.
- Let us stand up together and stand up for the Light and the Love, for another, a better world, where the goal is that all beings are happy.
- Let us build together a world that is in connection with all living things, that honors, respects and lives life and its cycles.
- Let us create a world where love is felt and lived, a world where love is both purpose and goal.
I have had enough of all the manipulation, the fear-mongering, the obvious or subtle lying and cheating. I have no more desire to have my energy robbed, in whatever way.
I am no longer willing to watch how in my name and with my energy against life, against mother earth, against father heaven, against me and my life companions, against man, animal, plant, stone, air, water, against life as such is acted.
I am no longer available for it! I withdraw myself and my energy from this sick game! Consciously I turn away from it and to the new. And I turn my back to this contempt of life and direct my look and my steps even more in the direction of light and love. It is enough!
I use my creative power even more clearly, even more consciously and even more consistently than before and only to create a world of LOVE and LIGHT.
I do it my way and with my means:
- I focus on the peace within me.
- I work on and for my inner freedom.
- I focus on the joy and kindness within me.
- I use my gentle strength and my knowledge of the universal laws as well as all my abilities to implement them for a NEW WORLD.
- I consistently de-center all that within me and around me that prevents me from living a life of peace, freedom, joy and abundance.
It is my decision and my way of the I AM …
If you are at the similar point like me, if you are ready to decide consciously, clearly and unambiguously and to take responsibility for yourself, the LIGHT, the LOVE and the LIFE, then join me.
I have renamed the morning self-healing circle, which has already accompanied us through two lockdowns, as the LIFE circle.
We will start again from Saturday, 30.01.02 to connect in the morning from 7 to 7.17 am – mentally, by meditation, prayer, dance, or as you like it. We will also connect energetically with each other and create a light and loving energy field for ourselves and at the same time for all of us.
We stand together! For the life, the love and the light. For freedom, joy, peace and abundance.
There is a closed facebook group for exchange that has already existed for months – at the moment it is still called Selbst-Heil-Kreis, because according to facebook it is only possible to change the name every 28 days. This will then be LIFE circle:
And there is a Signal group. If you want to be part of it, feel free to contact me with a message at Signal and I’ll take you into the group.