Worte sind Luft. Aber die Luft wird zum Wind, und der Wind macht die Schiffe segeln.”

Arthur Koestler

New texts and audios

The only reliable thing is change, as the good Goethe is said to have said. And because we, like life itself, are in a constant state of change, I would like to provide new written and spoken inspirations for you here whenever I have the impulse. I wish you much joy with it!

Here you can find new text contributions

28. February 2021

More meaning and soul

A good time to start something new! Spiritual business coaching for more meaning and soul in working life Farmers, who are familiar with natural cycles, have […]
17. January 2021

Book Publishing

Everything new in 2021 Whoo-hoo-hoo – it’s done!I am sooooo relieved and happy and exhilarated and in party mood, because: That was really a mammoth project […]
16. January 2021

A call

The inner rebellion It is time … The day after the first full moon of the year 2021, the following call flowed from my pen: It […]

Here you can find new audio contributions

28. February 2021

More meaning and soul

A good time to start something new! Spiritual business coaching for more meaning and soul in working life Farmers, who are familiar with natural cycles, have […]
17. January 2021

Book Publishing

Everything new in 2021 Whoo-hoo-hoo – it’s done!I am sooooo relieved and happy and exhilarated and in party mood, because: That was really a mammoth project […]
16. January 2021

A call

The inner rebellion It is time … The day after the first full moon of the year 2021, the following call flowed from my pen: It […]