“Besondere Zeiten erfordern besondere Angebote …”
Latest in wild times
We live in wild times. Much is in upheaval and much of it makes us feel uncertain and anxious. At the same time, we are experiencing a time in which deep inner development is possible.
Therefore, I have intuitively developed some offers that take up the current quality of time with its challenges and opportunities. They support you to stay in contact with yourself, your center and with what you want to experience. This way you can get through your everyday life more easily and joyfully.
Of course you can also use my other offers for you. Trust your intuition, your gut feeling and what calls you – it will be the right one for you. And if you need help with the choice, you are welcome to book a free orientation session.

Current offer of the month
Spiritual Business Mentoring
I know from my own experience that successful self-employment first requires an inner development and then also an outer development. It is a comprehensive process that can be supported and encouraged.

Today I work mainly on the sunny island of Cyprus – and live a dream that many have …
Since the foundation of my practice LUST TO LIVE in 2004, I have tried many things, fallen on my face and got up again and again. In the process, I got to know my strengths and weaknesses and was able to work intensively on myself, my unconscious beliefs, (self-)doubts, sabotage programs and also on my visions, goals and my “why’s, where’s and why not’s” – with and without support at my side.
- You long for more meaning and soul in your work life?
- You are hot to have more success in your heart business?
- You want to make a good living without having to bend?
- You know that you can be your strongest success-promoter as well as your strongest -preventer and you are ready to look?
- From the bottom of my heart I would like to offer you my decades of experience as a successful spiritual entrepreneur.
I now open this rich treasure chest of experience for you!
The goal of our working together is your powerful standing in the business world, which comes from the connection of head and heart, mind and intuition.
In the meantime, I have accompanied many people on their way, who now also follow their profession(ung) and can live joy and abundance in everyday life. How wonderful! Here you can find some feedbacks from clients about our work together …

Past special offers
Self-healing meditation

Rewrite your inner script
This meditation, personally received and recorded by me for you, wants to serve you as a powerful guide for your development and self-healing. It supports the necessary impulses for change in your body-mind-spirit system and thus also dissolves deep-seated obstructive patterns. The goal is to solve the causes of your physical, mental or emotional blockage in the long term. You can do something for this yourself!
You relax and let happen, while I lead you by means of the meditation recorded for you personally into your innermost – to where everything arises and everything can be changed. Here healing and transformation can happen.
And the energy of the new beginning, which we now experience in January, carries and promotes your new start – towards your dream life!
Here you can listen to some of my guided meditations – enjoy!
- By mail or contact form you describe me your topic or problem and give me the order to connect energetically with you for its solution.
- During this connection I go energetically with your inner or your body-mind-soul system and your spiritual team in contact and can perceive what the possible causes and solutions are.
- These messages and hints, as well as suggestions for change for your new thinking and actions, I then pass on in the meditation that I have personally recorded for you.
- You then work independently for at least 21 days with your meditation guided by me, in which you listen to it at least once a day and speak inwardly, in your mind.
- In doing so, the healing space – the healing energy field created by me – will emerge again and again. And it will feel like we are meditating together again every time.

The Christmas Reiki Coaching is a special offer for you in the wild year 2021 and intended as a concrete help for self-help. It serves the clarification and purification of your emotional state as well as the vitalization and harmonization of your entire body-mind-spirit system.

The Christmas-Reiki-Coaching would like to help you to get through the challenging Christmas and year-end time in a stable and safe way.
It wants to serve people for whom the emotional pressure increases strongly the closer the Christmas holidays and the end of the year come. This is not uncommon and often topics from the “inner depths” emerge, which can cause quite a mess … ;-).
In recent years and increasingly this winter, the requests pile up with me – so in this very special year for all of us 2021 I make a very special offer, the Christmas Reiki Coaching at a special price. This can be done both by phone and by video.
Reiki Coaching is a form of spiritual development support developed by me, which combines traditional and modern healing knowledge into a new whole. Depending on your needs, we conduct solution- and resource-oriented counseling sessions, which I complement with energetic impulses and systemic-spiritual techniques.
The special thing is that we work simultaneously on the level of the body, mind and soul. Gently and yet effectively we act on the mental, psycho-emotional and spiritual areas. In this way, patterns of experience, imprinting, thinking and behavior that no longer serve you can be holistically released.
And so we set in motion a deep and lasting process of clarification and healing – with the goal of your very own personal blend of freedom, joy, peace and abundance.
About the process:
- Please get in touch with me. The easiest way is to tell me your request and your desired dates (days and times).
- I will suggest dates for a Reiki Coaching if I think that we can work out a solution for you together.
- On the agreed date I will call you or send you the dial-in data to my zoom room.
- My goal is to give you a comprehensive overview of your current life situation, to develop possibilities for change and to find and implement holistic and sustainable solutions.
I look forward to you and our work together!
You will surely be surprised how much and how fast you can move and change through a Reiki Coaching …

Spiriway Intensive Program: Spiritual-Individual Transformational Accompaniment
I have made the experience that the inner development necessary for a free, self-determined and joyful life runs more easily and steadily when you receive gentle impulses and mindful support from me. For you and your (transformation) it is especially about …
- … the training of your intuition, which shows you the right way,
- … the stable connection with your inner sources of power,
- … recognizing and feeling your inner and outer freedom,
- … finding and letting go of inner ‘saboteurs’,
- … the living realization that everything is already available and usable,
- … the experience that making decisions is a joy,
- … maintaining inner security and stability in challenging situations,
- … finding and maintaining confidence in yourself and in life,
- … taking self-determined steps with ease.

From the bottom of my HEART I will gladly join you on the journey to your life of freedom and connection, which will bring you joy, peace and abundance. Yay!
Our goal is your life in joy, freedom, peace and abundance!

Mental & emotional cleansing in crazy times
We are experiencing crazy times – this can sometimes make you feel out of place and as if you are standing next to yourself. For one or the other, the current changes also cause insecurities and fears.
To bring you back to your center and in connection with your inner source of power, I now offer you a special form of cleansing, harmonization and vitalization. In the Reiki-Remote developed by me, I find the spiritual causes of your insecurities and transform them wherever possible.
You will also receive helpful tips on what you can do yourself to make your everyday life more stable, confident and joyful. In this way, you will also gain more distance from the confusion outside, but without losing your sense of reality.

I love to get in touch with you, your body-mind-spirit system and with the spiritual world to get helpful information for you.
These questions and especially the answers you can get through the 60-minute Reiki-Remote will certainly make you more capable of acting again:
- How can I recognize and use the crisis as an opportunity?
- What do I need in order to find and stay more in my inner center (again)?
- How can I find peace and trust, even when a storm is raging around me?
- What does the spiritual world or your spiritual team say about this?
- What information does my body-mind-spirit system provide?