“Die wahre Ruhe kann nur in der Wahrheit liegen.”
Ferdinando Galiani
Mindful and aware through life
Experience peace and silence within you
I consider meditation to be one of the most important ways to stay centered and, above all, confident – even and especially when life around us shows its stormy side….
Also, the conscious creation of silence within oneself is the basic prerequisite to be able to connect with other dimensions or light levels. According to my experience, everyone can “channel” or receive messages from the so-called spiritual world in another way.
Learning and deepening a meditation practice is not as difficult as is often thought – it is crucial that you find a form that is suitable for you personally, so that you also meditate and practice with joy. For this purpose I have designed different possibilities for you.
Here in the feedbacks you will find a few customer testimonials …

Individual offers
Develop with me your individual meditation practice for more peace and connection in your life
Most people think of meditation as sitting quietly cross-legged. But this is only one of many possibilities. Together we will work out the most suitable meditation practice for you – individually tailored to you and your needs.
This personal-meditation-training is suitable for you if you …
- … you feel insecure when meditating.
- … think that you are doing something wrong, because you can’t find your center.
- … you don’t find peace while meditating.
- … you don’t manage to switch off your head.
- … wish someone would explain and show you what you can do.
- … are looking for someone who can give you techniques and individual tips.
Our goal is for you to come into connection with your innermost being and with the source of all life – or whatever you want to call it – in a relaxed, joyful and pleasurable way. Balance, serenity as well as a feeling of peace, joy and freedom will then develop in you and in your life as if by itself.
- You contact me via the contact form and we arrange an appointment – this can take place by video call. Please assume a duration of about 2 hours.
- During the meditation guidance consultation we will work out whether a silent, a dynamic, a contemplative, a guided or another or an individual combination is the right form for you.
- Equipped with your individual form of meditation, you then meditate on your own for at least 21 days, so that it becomes anchored in you. at the end of this period, I will check with you again to see how your meditation practice is going … Experience has shown that it is not necessary, but it may be useful to make another appointment to clarify any more extensive questions that may have arisen.
The joint development of a meditation practice that is suitable and completely individual for you via one-on-one video call takes about two hours and also includes a short debriefing after about 21 days.

Self-healing meditation: Change your inner script
This meditation received and recorded by me personally for you would like to serve you as a powerful guide for your development and self-healing. It supports the necessary impulses for change in your body-mind-spirit system and thus also dissolves deep-seated patterns.
The goal is to solve the causes of your physical, mental or emotional blockage in the long term. You can do something for this yourself by relaxing while you let me guide you into your innermost being – to where everything arises and everything can be changed. Here healing can happen as if by itself.
- You have a topic that occupies you strongly inside?
- A ‘construction site’ that you have been working on for a long time?
- A pattern of thinking and behavior that annoys you and that you would like to change?
- You want to come to peace with yourself and your environment?
- You want to change your inner script and be able to (re-)act the way you want to?
If you think that now is a good time to resolve this and you are ready to do something yourself for your advancement, this guided self-healing meditation can help you easily and effectively.
Here you can listen to some of my guided meditations – enjoy!
- By mail or contact form you describe me your topic or problem and give me the order to connect energetically with you for its solution.
- During this connection I go energetically with your inner or your body-mind-soul system and your spiritual team in contact and can perceive what the possible causes and solutions are.
- These messages and hints, as well as suggestions for change for your new thinking and actions, I then pass on in the meditation that I have personally recorded for you.
- You then work independently for at least 21 days with your meditation guided by me, in which you listen to it at least once a day and speak inwardly, in spirit.
- In doing so, the healing space – the healing energy field created by me – will emerge again and again. And it will feel like we are meditating together again every time.
The guided healing meditation that I have recorded for you personally and individually tailored to you will serve you for at least 21 days for your healing process. Each time you listen to it, you can work on yourself or meditate or paint, dance, walk, lie – or whatever you feel like at that moment. Everything that intuitively arises as an impulse in you supports the overall process.

Group offers 2022
I let my great light shine

live in everyday life
Intervision group for Reiki Masters
Our common goal is to be able to hold and live being a Reiki Master also and especially in the challenges of everyday life. We all know that this is not always easy and we also know that this is precisely the task.
This annual group would like to serve as an intervision for Reiki Masters in a professional and private context. It is conceived as a collegial consultation between peers, in which they work together to find a solution to a concrete problem.
Together we want to train …
- … to stay in love, even if it is very ‘human’ at the moment,
- … to keep the heart open, even if old inner patterns are triggered,
- … to let your own light shine, even when it gets ‘hot’,
- … to decide consciously for love even and especially when fears arise.
So we work together for you, the others, for Mother Earth, all her entities, life, love, freedom and light – and all the rest of the universe … 😉
Questions we might address include:
- What does Reiki Mastery mean to live in everyday life?
- How do I define and live my mastery task in the here and now?
- How do I deal with emotionally challenging situations in a masterful way?
- How am I also a ‘lighthouse’ for others in wild times?
- How do I stay in touch with my light and love in conflict situations?
- How do I connect my mastery with my human being?
The evening begins and the intuitive starting point of our master work is the verbal exchange in which we discuss case studies, i.e. challenging situations that the participants experience in everyday life or perceive in society.
After consultation and very mindful …
- … we mirror the underlying theme,
- … share our brightness perceptions with each other,
- … read each other in the field,
- … go into connection with the spiritual team of the other person or the spiritual world,
- … meditate together with the master symbol on the subject,
- … follow all our intuitive impulses and use all energetic methods known to us, which appear for support and serve the solution.
In the process, we learn easily yet deeply,
- what task or growth potential is waiting at the core of the challenge,
- how we can all shape our everyday life masterfully(er).
And so we also practice the application of the master symbol in a very playful and practical way, e.g. in meditation or channeling.
- We meet monthly in my Zoom room.
- After a short introductory round of sensitivities, one or more of the participants may bring their personal or a general current topic into the group.
- We agree and receive the energetic perceptions as well as spiritual and personal solutions of their colleagues.
- We practice masterly, spiritual, lifelike and reciprocal life help on eye level … 😉
- Wherever appropriate, I support and complement the respective process by means of practice-proven tools and experiences, guided exercises, meditations and everything that is helpful and instructive for the person concerned as well as for the other participants.
- Thus, in this intense and intimate atmosphere, we practice being masters not only in the heart, but also in practical life. Lived love – wonderful!
Participation requirement
Ongoing or completed Reiki Master training in Intuitive Reiki or another Reiki style, i.e. knowledge of the Master Symbol, and willingness to engage in an intensive group process.
This offer is deliberately designed as a year-long group with monthly meetings. The participants, who remain constant over a longer period of time, create a homogenous community and, together with me, a protected space in which the trust arises to be able to engage in profound, mental, psycho-emotional and spiritual processes of change.
Should you not be able to attend one or more of the dates, this is not a problem, because the evenings are recorded so that you can experience them at another time.
The highlight of this master group is the Change Week 2022 in Cyprus. Participation in the trip is not a prerequisite for the annual group.

Lived spirituality: feeling connected to life

Back to
your roots
through energy work &
the Celtic cycle of the year
The Celtic cycle of the year, its mythology and its customs also offer modern man a very natural possibility for structure and orientation, especially in uncertain times. Because through the traditional lunar and solar festivals we can consciously get in touch with our own cultural roots, our individual and collective ancestors and with ourselves.
We use these energetically special times for our spiritual practice in the group. We come together to pause, to consciously interrupt everyday life, to meditate together, to be in connection with the natural rhythms of life, with ourselves, with the community of the living, the world of light and the origin of life.
Living connectedness on all levels
Reiki or also many other techniques for self-healing, which we know and use in Europe, have their home in the Asian culture, nevertheless we understand and apply them on the basis of our European roots. For me, it is not a contradiction to combine these traditions. That is exactly what we are doing here in this circle.
- We will meet in my online room.
- After a short theoretical introduction to the origins of the respective festival of the year circle, I will also familiarize you emotionally with its quality by means of a live guided meditation.
- This way you can perceive the special energy of the yearly circle festival on different levels and use it for yourself and your personal and spiritual development as well as your everyday life.
- This offer is suitable for people with little meditation experience as well as for people with meditation experience.
- It serves to train your mindfulness, to make yourself empty, to establish inner silence and above all your ability to perceive.
- Imbolc: Awaken the light in you
- Ostara: Use the balance of power
- Beltane: Celebrate life
- Alban Hevin: Live abundance, joy and gratitude
- Lugnasad: We celebrate the light and the first harvest
- Mabon: Thank you for all that the summer gave you
- Samhain: We get in touch with the ‘other world’
- Jul: We celebrate the ‘Consecration Night’
Participation requirement
At least 1st Reiki degree or basic training in another form of healing energy work as well as desire to meditate and get to know different time energy qualities.