The magic of new beginnings
“Happy New Year …
… to you,” is probably the most frequently uttered phrase in January 2022.
When it is spoken from the heart, I feel it as a blessing for the coming time. Can you feel that too? In addition to the sympathy and the sincere wish that my year may be successful, I also feel protection – a protective hand that is held over me and my path – and security, such a deep trust that no matter what comes, it will end well.
If you look up the term blessing on Wikipedia*, it says, among other things: “denotes in many religions a prayer or a rite by which persons or things are to receive a share of divine power or grace”. I believe that this is exactly what is meant by this “magic of a new beginning”.
“The goal of blessing or benediction (Latin signandum) is the promotion of happiness and prosperity or the assurance of protection and preservation” is also neatly summarized there on Wikipedia. Isn’t that wonderful?
By the way, part of my Christmas donation this year went to Wikipedia, which I give to projects worth supporting instead of postcards or small customer gifts.
If you like, feel into these words, this blessing, now:
- What feeling arises in you?
- Does it also become wide, bright, more joyful for you? Can you breathe better?
- Does your overall mood lift? Are you perhaps even smiling?
And if you now imagine that each of your plans in this new year is under this good star, with what feeling do you start into the new year?
- Do you feel this power that lets you achieve everything?
- And do you feel this confidence that even if something doesn’t work out, it’s not so bad?
If these words make you rather sad, then we should look together what blocks you there. Usually there are experiences in the past that have disturbed this basic trust. The good news is: This can be changed. Hooray!
For example, we could use Reiki coaching to get in touch with your so-called “inner child” and see what it has experienced and how we can change this memory. To put it simply, we give impulses into your body-mind-soul system, which cause the child in you to find its trust in itself and in life again – children bring this trust into the world, you have surely already realized that. With this work woman can work real miracles!
Trust in the good ending
Confidence is a real magic ingredient. When I won it back for myself, many things changed fundamentally in my life. And the stronger it becomes, the freer and happier I become and the better, more self-determined, happier my life becomes.
I had lost my original trust, which I had brought into the world, somewhere along my life’s path. My way back to me – or to my original, healed state or back to my essence – began with my near-death experience and grew with or through Reiki. You can read about it here …
To support you on your way, I developed the tool “Self-Healing Meditation”, with which you can rewrite your inner script to bring more joy, freedom, peace and abundance into your life. And because it makes sense right now to use this “energy boost of a new start” for yourself, I have made this the offer of the month.
If you want to try out in advance whether you like my kind of guided meditations, you can find some free contributions in the menu item podcast. By the way, the latest one is about forgiveness – another magic tool for a self-determined and happy life …
Take your life into your own hands
I don’t know if Astrid Lindgren really wrote it, but I like it: When Tommy and Annika said that the storm was getting stronger, Pippi Longstocking replied, “It doesn’t matter, so do I!” … Hihi makes it there in me …
Yes, that unshakable self-confidence – that’s where we want to go!
It is helpful to realize that we are allowed to make mistakes and that we cannot fail from this perspective – because: Either we are dealing with a challenge that lets us find solutions or with one that lets us learn. After that, we ideally don’t make the one mistake a second time.
And it’s helpful to realize that we always have a choice. We can always choose. And we always make the right choice. If we didn’t think a decision was the best choice at that moment, we wouldn’t decide that way. Logical, right?
Sometimes it is good to take a closer look at whether you are making this decision of your own free will or whether you are perhaps following a learned, adopted pattern of thought and behavior. Sometimes we are influenced by experiences that were not made by us, but by our ancestors. By the way, there will be a workshop in February on the topic “Tidying up with the ancestors”.
Like a blank sheet of paper …
… the new year now lies before us. And you decide freely what you want to do with it. Now you can create, fantasize, dream, be active and creative. Like white paper, you can paint it gently, scribble on it powerfully, write on it imaginatively, fold it lovingly, tear it up with a smile, cut it up or crumple it up …
By the way: If you want to use this magic of a new beginning for yourself and your smiling life every now and then, the offer “New Moon Magic: Letting Go & New Beginning” is the right one for you. Every month you now have the opportunity to use the new moon as an energetic turning point to consciously empty yourself, to cleanse, to let go of the burdensome and to move from heaviness to lightness. In this way we create space within ourselves, can breathe deeply, reflect and think and feel new things without being influenced. Many people start at the new moon to leave bad habits behind or to put a long cherished project into action.
So: Let’s go! Off to new shores … 😉
This reminds me of the poem “Steps” by Hermann Hesse, which states, among other things:
“And in every beginning there is a magic that protects us and helps us to live.”
I wish you a Happy New Year! Be blessed on your way.