The happiness between poles
Seeking and finding coherence
“Der, der das Gleichgewicht hält jenseits des Wechsels von Liebe und Hass,
Lao Tao Te King
jenseits von Gewinn und Verlust, von Ehre und Schmach,
hält die höchste Stellung in der Welt”.
Balance – I like this word. As well as its synonyms: Balance, harmony, equilibrium, equilibrium, stability.
Let’s do a little exercise right now:
- Read these words again consciously and feel inside yourself.
- What happens inside you?
- How does it feel inside you when you read the words aloud or quietly? What feeling(s) arise(s) inside of you?
A smile comes to my face all by itself and I feel the need to breathe deeply – such a release exhalation. Relief, peace, quiet joy spreads through me. And I think of the golden mean as the state that lies between different, more extreme possibilities. This is the point where peace and quiet reigns, I am in (the) order, where everything is good and right – the happiness between the poles …

Everyone can find the golden mean within themselves. Sometimes it needs some guidance to train a mindful awareness. For this purpose, I have designed the 8-week Spiriway as a spiritual-individual transformational accompaniment for you, which you can easily do from home.
The key to life is in balance
Many years ago I read “The key to life lies in balance” on a card with a stone tower on the front. Yes, I am quite sure that this is so.
My favorite example, even when I try to explain how Reiki might work, is: We always have two poles – let’s call one tension and the other relaxation. If we have too much tension – movement, yang – in our lives, then relaxation or rest or ying comes up short. This creates an imbalance – too much or too little of … – and this in turn can cause a symptom of disease, especially if we live permanently in such a disbalance.
In my view, both physical and mental health are based on a balance of forces. Balance, then, is a harmonious, healthy state, the creation of which we can support through the channeling of Reiki. The image I like to use to illustrate this is potholes on a road: if I pour out a bucket of water there, the potholes fill up first, until the water level reaches equilibrium everywhere on the road. Nature always strives for equilibrium. That is a balanced, harmonious, healthy being.
The good news is: the body-mind-spirit system of the one who receives the universal life energy establishes this natural, original balance all by itself. Self-healing or self-regulation – what a wonderful phenomenon of nature.
I recently read something interesting on this subject:
Wissenschaftler haben bewiesen, dass Tränen streßerzeugende chemische Substanzen abtransportieren, die sich während der emotionalen Erregung ansammeln. Das Gehirn findet durch die Ableitung von Gefühlen auf natürliche Weise wieder zu einem Gleichgewichtszustand zurück, es sei denn, man hat uns beigebracht, diese Gefühle zu unterdrücken.
John Bradshaw: Das Kind in uns, München: Knaur, 2000, S. 108

Reiki is a simple and effective method to create a harmonious state. For people who want to learn the special kind of Reiki application of Intuitive Reiki and use it for themselves and others, I offer for the first time an online combination course.
The (eternal) search for coherence
I believe that the desire for balance also underlies human nature. Perhaps also because balance also always offers a form of clarity and control? In any case, our acid-base balance should be as balanced as possible, just as the judgement with which an injustice is to be balanced. Man likes to have it coherent. The following beautiful quotation fits to it:
“Spannst du eine Saite zu stark, wird sie reißen. Spannst du sie zu schwach, kannst du nicht auf ihr spielen.”
Siddhartha Gautama
Perhaps this is even the deeper meaning of existence: to live life in order to find the center, the state of contentment. Whereby the inner balance is, in my experience, a deeply individual state. What brings peace and tranquility for one, causes restlessness and stress for another.
I find it both exciting and really helpful when we get supporting tips from our spiritual team or from the spiritual world. For those who want to experience and learn how to connect, the (new) channeling training group will start in September.

Consciously establishing contact and receiving messages from the spiritual world can also be helpful in establishing your inner balance. You can learn this in the (new) channeling training group that will start soon.
Brightness and darkness balance each other out
In September, we now also experience an equilibrium in nature: the autumnal equinox. On 22.09. day and night are exactly the same length, brightness and darkness balance each other out. In earlier times people celebrated then Mabon, a threshold festival, which is the counterpart of Ostara, the beginning of spring. I offer a guided meditation on this occasion, in which we want to empathize with this special, harmonious energy of the quality of time, among other things. Today, during this time, people in many places celebrate the harvest festival.
And those born under the sign of Libra celebrate their birthday this month. People with the zodiac sign Libra are said to be masters of balance and born mediators, which is why they are well suited for diplomatic professions.
Now I also wish you that you find your balanced, satisfied state – your very personal inner, golden mean. I am happy to be there for you and am at your disposal with advice and action, both in individual sessions as well as in the various group offers – you can find the dates in September in the overview. I am already looking forward to our work together!

I live and work mainly in Cyprus – a dream also for many other people. In the brand new full moon mainfestation group we use my experience as well as the effective power of the full moon to come closer to your desired life by means of a meditative ritual.
“Das Leben ist wie ein Fahrrad. Man muss sich vorwärts bewegen, um das Gleichgewicht nicht zu verlieren.”
Albert Einstein