“Und plötzlich weißt du: Es ist Zeit, etwas Neues zu beginnen und dem Zauber des Anfangs zu vertrauen.”
Meister Eckhart
Advanced training for Reiki ‘professionals’
Further development for head and heart
Lifelong learning – a wonderful idea for me. I like to develop myself and my business further. And you?
Here you will find advanced trainings especially developed for Reikians who work professionally and perhaps would like to conquer a new field of business.
In the training courses I pass on to you both well-founded theoretical knowledge and all my years of experience in the fields.
Below you will find the training offers that I have developed for you.

Advanced training: Intuitive Reiki Coaching
Loosen the inner knot
In the course of my many years of professional activity, I have noticed that people who are influenced by German culture in particular usually want to understand where their inner “knot” is, how it came about and what it takes to untie it.
To meet this need, I developed a special treatment technique that combines my Intuitive Reiki with elements of talk therapy, hypnosis, systemics and spiritual healing.
The advanced training in Intuitive Reiki Coaching is suitable for you if …
- … Your clients are predominantly “head people”.
- … You want to accompany your clients cognitively as well as energetically through the session and support them in developing their own solutions to their problems.
- … Your goal is to stimulate self-reflection in your clients.
- … you want to help your clients to recognize personal competencies and new perspectives in order to actively overcome undesirable life situations, illness symptoms and conflicts.
- … you want to learn a method that accompanies an awareness process on all levels in a gentle, sustainable and holistic way.
- … you are interested in your clients being able to shape their private and professional lives in a self-determined, creative and active way at the end of the process.
In a small group, professional Reiki practitioners learn and train to apply Intuitive Reiki Coaching in a one-on-one setting. Thanks to the intensive, profound and sustainable methodology, a new dimension of working with Reiki opens up for each participant – and thus also a new field of business.
- Duration: 4 days
- At least one supervision after the first own Reiki Coaching is recommended.
Participation requirement
- At least 2nd Reiki degree
- The knowledge and skills of Intuitive Reiki are helpful here. If you have learned another style of Reiki, you can book the basic course in Intuitive Reiki in a package for a special price – but this is not a prerequisite for participation in this training.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly.
Teaching content
- Develop and train clairvoyance and intuition to sensitize the “nose” (= introduction to Intuitive Reiki)
- Body scan: What do I perceive with my hands, which thoughts, feelings, images, sentences, etc. emerge?
- Introduction to solution- and client-centered interviewing, especially the “right” questions
- Introduction to systemic thinking and working, including (visual / virtual) family constellations, etc.
- Use of the Reiki symbols
- Repetition and intensification of Reiki mental healing (access to the “inner database”)
- Belief system work and working with the inner child
- Introduction to reading in the aura and the morphogenetic field / channeling
- Laying on of hands and speaking at the same time – how does that work? – we practice it!
- Tools for “sleuthing”: hermeneutic laws, chakra teachings, psychosomatic understanding of illness, tools like card sets, etc.
Individual appointments are also possible. Please contact me for this.

Advanced training: Reiki with the seriously ill and for end-of-life care
Accompany the last great journey with Reiki …
The most intense encounter I had with death was during my near-death experience in 2000 as a result of a serious accident. Since then, at the latest, I consider him more of a friend than an enemy. An article about my near-death experience was published in Reiki Magazine.
However, most people are afraid of it and feel powerless when they encounter it. Thus, dying and death are still a taboo subject in large parts of our society – this became particularly clear to me during the research for my master’s thesis entitled: “Dealing with Dying and Death in Germany”.
The advanced training Reiki in the work with the seriously ill and for end-of-life care is suitable for you if you …
- … You would like to deal intensively with the topic of dying and death.
- … are ready to deal with your own role and activity as a Reiki giver in existential life situations, both theoretically and practically.
- … would like to develop your own idea of a personal and professional approach to death and dying as well as the appropriate Reiki applications.
The course takes place in a small group as well as in cooperation with the spirit world to ensure intensive learning and experience on different levels.
- Duration: 3 days
- At least one supervision during or after the first accompaniment with Reiki is recommended.
Participation requirement
- Reiki Master Degree or 2nd Reiki Degree with experience in hospice work, ideally in Intuitive Reiki.
- Intuitive Reiki knowledge and skills are helpful here. If you have learned another style of Reiki, you can add the basic course in Intuitive Reiki in a package at a special price – but this is not a participation requirement for this advanced training.
Teaching content
- Mindfully we look at the different faces of death that we find in the world and deal with our own ideas and feelings about dying and death.
- Together we gently change and release our own fears and reservations that may arise, so that we can help the seriously ill and dying with Reiki.
- We learn and train various very practical possibilities that Reiki gives us.
- Central questions are: What can I do with Reiki for the dying person and possibly also for the relatives? Which hand positions are helpful when and for what?
- We practice silence, train our intuition and clairvoyance as well as communication on the level of the heart and soul.
Individual appointments are also possible. Please contact me for this.

And if you maybe don’t really know what you need right now to move your business forward, you are also welcome to book an orientation session first.

Self-care offerings for professionals
Do good for yourself so that you can do good for others
In order not to become a “helpless helper”, self-care is indispensable. Everyone knows that, but do they do it?
Now here are some possibilitys for you:
- Reiki Retreats are a manageable yet effective “recharge and uncharge” time. They are also and especially suitable for Reikians who work professionally.
- And the Reiki Journeys, especially the ones to my adopted country Cyprus, are very effective due to the combination of relaxed training learning and joyful vacation – and the wonderful energy of the sunny island supports additionally … 😉