“Der Mensch, der den Berg versetzte, war derselbe, der damit begann, kleine Steine weg zu tragen.”
chin. Sprichwort
The good combo on the phone
Reiki coaching on the phone – focused and constructive
The telephone conversation with simultaneous Reiki energy transmission offers you uncomplicated (immediate) help. Our conversation helps you to see more clearly and to gain new perspectives. And the Reiki energy helps you to become calmer and more relaxed. So you can look at the challenging situation more holistically and make the necessary decisions.
There are various causes and reasons that can bring us out of balance. Often, these inner imbalances are accompanied by feelings such as being overwhelmed, exhaustion, irritability, insecurity, loneliness, hopelessness or even worry and fear. Sometimes what is needed then is a quick help, an individual tip or impulse, or simply someone to talk to. In this way, psychological or physical disharmonies become more tangible and can be solved in an uncomplicated way as well as on the level of the cause. The Reiki-Phone is also excellent if you are looking for the meaning of your existence …
For people who have not yet had contact with Reiki, it may be harder to imagine that during telephone contact not only words, but also energies flow and blockages can be released. Believe me – it works!
The best thing is to try out this very effective support. It takes place in your familiar and secure environment and you do not have to wait long for a treatment appointment or come personally to the practice…
Here you can find some feedbacks about it …

- You send me via the contact form or by mail a short information about what you need a Reiki-Phone or “healing”. Ideally, you make me in this message also immediately a date proposal or tell me your possible days and times.
- If I think that we can work well together in this way, I will contact you with appointment suggestions.
- On the agreed day and time I will call you and we will get started.
- In the following 60 to 90 minutes we are in contact verbally as well as energetically. Together we look at your problem and work out solutions that are helpful on the physical, mental and spiritual level for your progress.
- You will also receive helpful hints about the possible causes as well as tips about what you can and cannot do for yourself and your recovery.
- In many cases it is helpful to do several Reiki Phones one after the other – this depends on the severity and depth of your issue. We will also clarify the further course in the conversation. I will make you an individual suggestion at the end.

You should know
- A Reiki Phone is always as short as possible and as long as necessary. As a rule, we need 90 minutes. I will charge you for the actual time spent.
- If you are working with me for the first time, I will send you a treatment contract before our appointment, which you please read at your leisure and then briefly confirm it to me by mail.
- You may transfer the corresponding amount to the Reiki-Remote afterwards. I will also be happy to send you an invoice if you wish.

Discounted packages
The Reiki-Phone, Reiki-Coaching on the phone, is a deeply effective developmental accompaniment, developed from my many years of experience and individually tailored to you.
You can book single sessions as well as packages, as in many cases it is helpful to do several Reiki coaching sessions in a row – the number as well as the rhythm depends on the complexity of your issue.
Special rates apply for my Reiki students, please contact me for details.