Worte sind Luft. Aber die Luft wird zum Wind, und der Wind macht die Schiffe segeln.”

Arthur Koestler

New texts and audios

The only reliable thing is change, as the good Goethe is said to have said. And because we, like life itself, are in a constant state of change, I would like to provide new written and spoken inspirations for you here whenever I have the impulse. I wish you much joy with it!

Here you can find new text contributions

16. January 2021

No more fighting

Lay down your weapons “Stop fighting what is already there”. I read this sentence today on the platform homodea from the Lindaus – and thought: Yes, […]
8. December 2020

Meditation in wild times

No time for eternity? “The hurrying man has no time for eternity”. I just read this sentence in an article by Wolf-Dieter Storl – and it […]
8. December 2020

Change your mindset

Give up resistance and struggle! We are in the middle of the second lockdown of the year 2020. And this in November, which is anyway also […]

Here you can find new audio contributions

16. January 2021

No more fighting

Lay down your weapons “Stop fighting what is already there”. I read this sentence today on the platform homodea from the Lindaus – and thought: Yes, […]
8. December 2020

Meditation in wild times

No time for eternity? “The hurrying man has no time for eternity”. I just read this sentence in an article by Wolf-Dieter Storl – and it […]
8. December 2020

Change your mindset

Give up resistance and struggle! We are in the middle of the second lockdown of the year 2020. And this in November, which is anyway also […]