Trust your inner voice
The sixth sense can be trained
There is this inner voice. This gut feeling or heart feeling. This emotional knowing that something is right. “Truth is something that every person can feel” is something I often say in Reiki-Coaching sessions, to let the clients check for themselves again whether the promptings I get for them are true. Interestingly, this always works – even if someone has never done this before, i.e. has never consciously gone into contact with their intuition.
I like intuition and I have the feeling that it is just coming back into fashion. Good thing! So what is this sixth sense, this voice from the “off”, from the unconscious or from the conscious? Who is this little being in the ear – or in the belly – that is such a helpful advisor when it comes to making important decisions not only with the mind? And how do I get in touch with it?
What is intuition?
The word intuition is derived from the Latin “intuitio”, which according to Wikipedia means something like “immediate perception” or also from “intueri”, i.e.: “to look closely, to look at”. There, intuition is described as “the ability to gain insights into facts, perspectives, regularities or the subjective consistency of decisions without discursive use of the mind, i.e. without conscious conclusions.
Well, so far, so good. I am getting more and more away from wanting to define something exactly, i.e. to press it into a framework that fits the mind. Especially with spiritual topics, which follow other principles, I find this difficult. My focus is on feeling, i.e. the emotional grasping and understanding of facts, words, phenomena, etc. – so I follow a more experiential than scientific approach to things.

The inner voice does not shout! In order to be able to hear it and then also to follow it, it is advisable to go regularly into silence.
In my training courses or individual sessions (whether on- or offline), I do it this way: we give the head the food it needs to know enough so that it doesn’t have to go into resistance – that’s important, otherwise its doubting just causes unnecessary trouble. But then we turn our focus to emotional experience and understanding. And from experience, this goes much deeper – a feeling of deeper understanding, feeling a coherence deep inside that clearly says, “Yes. This is my truth, my path, this is the right direction for me.” And that can be something completely different than what you expected yourself or what other people think is good and right.
In the right place at the right time …
You too surely know this feeling of being in the right place at the right time, meeting the right person, finding the right book, stumbling across a piece of information or even the call from a friend you were just thinking about and the like. If you pay attention, you not only perceive a sense of wonder, but also feel such a subtle, yet distinct “right.” This is more than instinct. It is a quick, instantaneous insight into complex relationships without consciously thinking about it. One also says “flash of inspiration” or “gut feeling” or “inspiration” or also “common sense” to it.
Over the years, I have learned to trust my intuition and follow it without hesitation. Outsiders sometimes find this strange, because it seems as if I make my decision spontaneously, perhaps even without thinking it through, and often with an unusual result. I do this even when good reasons suggest a different choice and I stick to it, even if I am not understood or possibly even make myself unpopular. Because I know by now – I feel it as an inescapable truth within me – that it is exactly the right thing for me to do.

Intuition needs trust and humility. It also means being willing to let go of the mind and let the ego take a back seat.
Intuition needs trust. Trust in a connectedness and existing guidance – that’s what I would call it. And it needs humility. That means the acceptance that my mind, does not know everything. That there is a consciousness of which I am a part, which is not based on my life experience and which is free of human patterns of thought and experience – pure consciousness. Every being is in connection with it and can, if it has then become conscious, use it for itself. Intuition lies dormant in each of us and it can be trained.
Intuition can be trained
“Chance only strikes a prepared mind,” said Louis Pasteur. I understand chance as something positive, a kind of providence that means that something falls to me because I am ready for it. And a prepared mind comes through training: relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, for example, are some of the keys to getting into stillness. Intuitive Reiki – and here especially the meditation with the so-called life principles – is also excellent for finding the silence we need to be able to perceive the quiet knocking of intuition
Especially in my Intuitive Reiki I put a lot of emphasis on the training of clairvoyance skills as well as the training of this silent mindfulness or clear emptiness. This gives the students the skills to intuitively perceive cues from the body-mind-spirit system and also to receive impulses from the other levels: We learn to listen into life, as it were. And then we trustingly follow what comes to us as input without thinking about it.
Intentionlessness is another magic word – and that requires that you learn to let your ego take a back seat sometimes. It’s about relinquishing control, letting yourself be guided, not thinking or hardly thinking at all, being conscious and awake, although or precisely because the mind is switched off and we are completely relaxed.
Then unexpected possibilities of healing of body, mind and soul can arise. And new ways can open up to consciously create a life in freedom, joy, abundance and peace. In my new book you will find some very astonishing and touching stories from some of my students about this …
Live intuitively
I would say that my life has become more mine since I follow intuition. I have more clarity. About myself and about what I want, what suits me, what is good for me, about my calling, about my vision, what I am doing with this life – and also what I can do and not do to arrive where I want to go: Into the connectedness with life, into the essence of myself. And this also shows itself more and more clearly, becomes more tangible, when I follow my intuition.
Intuition has become a normal part of my everyday life. I make my decisions with a cool head and a warm heart. And at the latest when I don’t know what to do, when my mind is knotted up with so many pros and cons, then I go into the silence. From there I ask into myself or into the consciousness around me, go into contact with my spiritual team or the source of all being – there are many names for it, but again only the mind wants to know that … 😉

“Der intuitive Geist ist ein heiliges Geschenk und der rationale Verstand ein treuer Diener. Wir haben eine Gesellschaft erschaffen, die den Diener ehrt und das Geschenk vergessen hat”, sagte Albert Einstein.
(photo by hannes richter on unsplash)