“Es ist ein Unterschied, ob man den Weg nur kennt oder ob man ihn beschreitet.”
Morpheus in Matrix
Spiritual Business Mentoring
More meaning and soul in your working life
Since the beginning of 2021, I have been living and working mainly on the sunny island of Cyprus – and have thus fulfilled a dream that many people dream ..
- You would also like to work and live the way you want – free and self-determined?
- You also wish for more meaning and soul in your working life?
- You long for more freedom and abundance, peace and joy – also in your work?
- You would like to have more success in your heart business?
- You want to make a good living without having to bend?
- You know that you are at the same time your best success-promoter and your biggest success-obstacle?
- You want support to finally find the courage to implement your ideas and visions?
- You know that you have a mission the world is waiting for?
From the bottom of my heart, I am happy to offer you my decades of experience as a successful spiritual entrepreneur.
Since the founding of my practice LUST ZU LEBEN I have tried many things, fallen on my face and got up again and again. In the process, I got to know my strengths and weaknesses and was able to work intensively on myself, my unconscious beliefs, (self-)doubts, sabotage programs and also on my visions, goals as well as my “why’s, where’s and why’s” – with and without support at my side.
In 2004 I opened my practice, initially on a part-time basis. I still remember the excitement when I had my first paying client on the couch and the joy when I held my first Reiki class. Since 2013, I have now been working full-time as a Reiki Master, Teacher and Coach using Intuitive Reiki, which I developed, as well as a spiritual development facilitator and trainer of self-healing techniques. And as I change, so does my portfolio, so that today I am additionally working as an Intuitive Medium, Intuition Trainer as well as a Spiritual Business Mentor.
Today I am one of the few spiritual entrepreneurs who lives exclusively and well from the income she generates in her practice. And I have managed to fulfill my dream of living on a sunny island along with a location-independent field of work.
In the meantime I have accompanied many people on their way, who now also follow their profession(ung) – and who can live their freedom, joy and fullness in their professional and private everyday life. How wonderful! Here you can find some voices about our work together.

I now open this rich treasure chest of experience for you!
Profession means courageously going one’s own way
I know that successful independence requires first and foremost an inner development and then also an outer development. It is a comprehensive process that can be supported and encouraged – and that is also enjoyable.
We find your profession(s) and bring them together into the world, out into the ‘marketplace’! We will be guided by your individual (working) pace and (learning) rhythm, so your individual mentoring program can last between two and four months.
The goal of our working together is your powerful standing in the business world, which comes from the connection of head and heart, mind and intuition.
I am very much looking forward to accompanying you in your development towards a free, fulfilled, self-determined and above all authentic professional and private life!
I have made the experience that there are different phases on the way to a successful and above all joyful independence. They are always related to the current and individual state of your inner development, your visions, ideas and desires as well as the corresponding challenges. Therefore I offer three different spiritual business mentoring programs, which I will introduce to you in the following.

Intensive program I:
Follow the call
Mentoring in professional transformation phases
Should I – or shouldn’t I? Can I – or do I not trust myself to do it? Do I really want to?
We go in search of what you really want, find your professional HEART path and prepare everything inside you, so that you can then also take the next step outside full of self-confidence. In this way you will find at your own pace exactly the security and certainty that you need to be able to follow your true calling.
This customized content and time spiritual business mentoring program is for you if …
- … You feel that things cannot go on as they are.
- … You sense that you are in a transformational phase, but you don’t really know where your professional journey should go.
- … You realize that you lack the courage to take the decisive step.
In the first step we look together at what was, what is now and what should be. And we find out what is now in store for you personally – where should the journey go? Who or what is calling you? What longing does your soul have?
In the next step we work on your inner construction sites and thus create clarity and orientation. And we bring you into connection with your inner sources of strength, so that you can go your way with joy and ease and from your innermost being. Great!
We create outbursts of courage – instead of outbursts of anger and frustration!
Whether we both harmonize with each other and can work well together for you and your progress, we will find out in an orientation meeting.

Intensive program II:
Visions, paths, implementations
Mentoring for female founders
There are often a lot of question marks at the beginning of a venture – whether it’s starting a practice or another business. This can be confusing or even overwhelming. The many if’s and but’s, how’s and where’s are independent of whether you are still completely employed or would like to turn an already existing part-time activity into a full-time one.
Together we bring order to the “brain chaos”: We look at where it is stuck and what it needs to flow (better). And we work out ways to bring you to the goal of your dreams: Work and live, do and let what you want. Work freely and self-determined – live satisfied and fulfilled.
This customized content and time spiritual business mentoring program is for you if …
- … you have basically decided to earn your bread and butter as an independent entrepreneur.
- … you are sure that you want to leave your employment behind and start a business or a practice.
- … or you would like to change from a part-time to a full-time job with your heart’s business.
- … you don’t really know how and where to start.
- … you still need impulses, where exactly your professional journey goes or can go.
- … you need an experienced counterpart to help you see your special talents and abilities and to formulate them as offers for your clients.
- … you want to know how to position yourself internally and externally so that your company becomes successful – and you also have a lot of fun doing it.
During our work process, it is certainly also about very practical issues of positioning, communication, implementation, etc., such as:
- What does my offer, my target group, etc. look like?
- How can I position myself in a growing “Eso market”?
- How do I advertise?
- How do I write press releases?
- How do I win customers?
- What is my field of business?
- How can I incorporate my spirituality in addition to all the entrepreneurial thinking?
Use the experience of a successful colleague for your practice start-up!
In an orientation meeting we will find out whether we can work well together and achieve the best results for you.

Intensive program III:
Breakthrough to success
Mentoring for entrepreneurs
You feel that you are somehow stuck with your business? That you have developed further and your business is lagging behind? The offers, content, advertising copy and generally the concept no longer quite suit you?
We bring order into the “brain jumble” of the many questions and find clarity for the further path. Together we discuss and intuitively feel where your heart and soul want to lead you now. We explore what your mission is now and find out what wants to go through you into the world. Where you can best serve the whole and the individual.
By connecting with your inner treasure of knowledge and skills, we make them available for you and your career. In this way, inner and outer blockages are released and the path to successful self-employment is cleared. We also use the hints, tips and ideas of the spiritual world, which will support you – you just have to ask them …
This customized content and time spiritual business mentoring program is for you if …
- … you are already self-employed, but your business or practice is not running as you would like it to.
- … you have the feeling that something is stuck inside you: Is there perhaps an unconscious fear of the next step hiding there? Or is there a self-sabotage program that is preventing you from succeeding? Is your comfort zone too comfortable?
- … you feel that now is the time to change something: Do you need to revise your offer or open a new business segment? Or do you simply need a new image? A different appearance in public perhaps? Is your offer and the target group still right?
We bring you into your full power and thus your practice into success!
Whether the chemistry between us is right and we both can work together with joy and above all effectively for your successful business, we will find out in an orientation meeting.

Satisfied customer testimonials say the most
Sonja Knecht did the Spiritual Business Mentoring (which was then called Business Coaching) with me in 2021 with great enthusiasm and shares her impressions here:
Gabi Hase wanted to make her practice more successful and booked the Intensive Program III. She writes about it:
“Dear Sabine! Thank you very much for the good cooperation during my business coaching with you. You accompanied me with a lot of heart and professional competence. Thank you for your empathic preparation. Best regards, Gabi” (Practice for Holistic Women’s Health, www.gabi-hase.de)
You can find more voices of customers in the feedbacks …

Orientation meeting
In this telephone orientation conversation we find out where you are on your “vocational path”, where you want to go and what you need to achieve your desired life.
Based on this first overview we can clarify if and what I can do to bring you forward professionally, and thus also privately – to where you feel free and comfortable in your being and doing.
Questions could be:
- What is calling you? What is your CALLING?
- Where is your (life) journey going?
- What do you want to complete and which steps do you want to take?
- What are you missing for your smiling (professional) life?
- What is your desired goal? When do you feel meaning and satisfaction?
- We will find your way!

Advanced training for Reiki ‘professionals’
If someone were to ask me today what I would do differently in my self-employment as a spiritual entrepreneur from the beginning, my answer would be:
“I would no longer try to do everything on my own and by myself and would invest more in a coach from the beginning to accompany me and my business development. What I would do again, just as I did, is: constantly and always educate myself, both methodically and personally.”

Spiritual Supervision
Clarity and creative solutions for professionals from professionals
If you work full-time or part-time in your own practice, there will always be cases and situations that occupy you more than others, where you reach your limits, perhaps you don’t know what to do or feel that you yourself are blocked at one point or another. This can be an issue that you have with clients, students or colleagues

Offers for Self-care
Do good for yourself so that you can do good for others
In order not to become a “helpless helper”, self-care is indispensable. Everyone knows that, but do they do it?
Our Reiki-Retreats are a manageable yet effective “recharge and uncharge” time. They are also and especially suitable for Reikians who work professionally. And the Reiki-Journeys, especially the ones to my adopted country Cyprus, are very effective due to the combination of relaxed training learning and joyful vacation – and the wonderful energy of the sunny island supports additionally … 😉