“Amo, ergo sum!”
My motto
About me

Sabine Hochmuth
- Reiki Master, Teacher and Coach
- Spiritual development guide
- Intuitive Medium
- Trainer for self-healing techniques
- Intuition Trainer
- Mentor for Spiritual Business
- Book author
- International Speaker
- Ethnologin, Pädagogin, Politologin (M.A.)

Since 2004 I have been working in my own practice with people in intensive individual sessions and exclusive small groups. The decision for this career path was made after a motorcycle accident in 2000, because in its aftermath I was able to experience firsthand how effective our self-healing powers really are. And this near-death experience showed me that more than the obvious exists between heaven and earth.
Knowing since then that freedom, joy, abundance and love are the basic principles of all life, my goal is to accompany people of all ages in their search for them. What a gift to witness how thousands have already found their own way to a content life!
Since 2006 I have the qualification as a Reiki Master and teacher. With much joy I train adults and children since then – for some years in the Intuitive Reiki developed by me. Here I combine traditional and modern healing knowledge to a new and contemporary whole. The basis is the traditional Japanese Reiki of Mikao Usui.

Life and career paths
- Studied and graduated as Magistra Artium in Ethnology, Political Science and Education in Heidelberg, Germany
- Stays abroad in Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, Europe
- Freelance work for various daily newspapers
- Master thesis: “Dealing with dying and death in Germany” and internship at the Hospizverein Würzburg, published and available as e-book as well as paperback e.g. directly at Grin Verlag.
- In 2000 motorcycle accident with near-death experience
- Since 2004 own practice: LUST ZU LEBEN in Hohenlohe, since July 2008 in Wiesbaden and from 2019 a branch office in Cyprus.
- Various seminar and training activities at home and abroad
- From 2020 own column in the Reiki Magazine, the only German-language professional journal about Reiki
- From 2021 emigration and main residence in Cyprus, as well as a practice branch in Wiesbaden
- 2021 Publication of the first book: Ein Leben mit Reiki. Testimonials from Reiki practitioners, published by tredition
- Experiences with life and death, joy and sorrow, which existence brings with it … 😉
- Training as non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy at the aesculus Heilpraktiker-Schule Heilbronn, 2001
- Advanced training as seminar leader for relaxation methods and hypnotherapy, 2002
- Reiki since 2001, Master degree since 2005, Reiki teacher degree since 2006, since then leading numerous training groups for adults and children

Additional qualifications
- Voluntary work as co-therapist in outpatient group and couples therapy and press officer at the Psychosocial Counseling Center in Tauberbischofsheim until 2004
- Since June 2010 until February 2012 board member of the Dachverband Geistiges Heilen e.V. (DGH) and head of the press and public relations commission Print
- Participation in 2010 as well as 2011 in the first Germany-wide scientific study to prove Reiki, conducted by Dr. Ignat Ignatov, head of the scientific institute for medical biophysics in Sofia
- Founding member of ProReiki- der Berufsverband e.V., the first professional association for professional Reiki practitioners in German-speaking countries
- Initiation of various projects, including Lichtblick, IGG Center, Essentia – School for Healing and Life Arts, Frauenwelten e.V.- culturally sensitive psychosocial women’s health, etc.
- Certification as Reiki practitioner and Reiki instructor by ProReiki – der Berufsverband e.V., 2016
Further training
- Anthroposophical biography work and fate learning – Ursula Ohse and Jutta Reisch
- Ethnobotany and cultural anthropology – Dr. Wolf-Dieter Storl
- Biophoton research and regulatory diagnostics – Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp
- Enneagram (introductory seminar) – Monika Sauer
- Healer training according to Pjotr Elkunoviz – Gerhard Heim
- Kundalini-Reiki (up to teacher degree) – Veronika Fink
- Regulation diagnostics and psychokinesiology – Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
- Shoden and Okuden (1st and 2nd degree) in Jikiden Reiki – Frank Arjava Petter
- Traditional Talking with Teaching Qualification (2017) – Regina Zipfl
- Introduction to Sufi Mysticism (2017) – Fatimabi Monika Grieger
- Introduction to English Spiritualism (2018) – Karin M. Huber
- Training as a course leader in forest bathing (2019) – German Academy for Forest Bathing, Annette Bernjus
- Various professional and private trainings with Veit Lindau, Stefanie Weyrauch and Isabel Ihm as well as Stephanie Raiser

My Reiki-Lines
“Western style”: Usui – Hayashi – Takata – Furumoto – Arianne Groeneveld – Maran van Hoeven – Justin Peach – Harry van den Ende – Hans Haug – Renate Eymann – Sabine Hochmuth
Jikiden Reiki:
Usui – Hayashi – Yamaguchi Chiyoko – Yamaguchi Tadao – Petter – Hochmuth

LUST ZU LEBEN stands for joy & fullness in everyday life …
Every event and every life situation has a meaning. In order to recognize and change the backgrounds and to be able to put the solutions into action, I accompany especially women, but also men, couples, teenagers and children, in various ways with my Intuitive Reiki a piece on this path of development.
This applies to the Reiki-Coaching and the various Reiki-Trainings, as well as to the special Reiki-Online and Reiki-Inside offers (meditation & mediality), the Travels & Retreats and also to the offers and Trainings for Entrepreneurs.
… combines traditional & modern healing knowledge …
Every person has and needs his or her very own mixture of impulses. By combining traditional and modern healing knowledge into a new whole and giving the necessary impulses tailored to your current needs, we activate your sources of strength (self-healing powers) on a physical, psychological, emotional, mental, social and spiritual level.
Together we find solutions and put them into practice. With my work I would like to help you to a (regained or newly won) autonomous way of life, which enables you to creatively and actively shape your own life. In this way, we create the life opportunities and circumstances that are satisfying for you.
… and has your smiling life as a goal!
The goal is to (re)gain comprehensive harmony and life intensity. At the end of the common “cleaning up and clearing process” you are able to walk the self-determined route powerfully and with ease. And from the harmony of soul, mind and body as well as the feeling of connectedness with “God and the world”, a keynote of joy arises, which lets you draw from the fullness of your possibilities in everyday life.
Freedom, joy, peace, abundance and above all love! – more it does not need from my point of view. Because: If you have reached this state in your inner being, the rest comes by itself: Your smiling life!

The triskele in my logo
… is of Celtic origin (or even older) and is one of my favorite symbols. Especially because it stands for the way of life or for the sun and also for the number three, which is important in Celtic mythology and which in turn can be understood as birth, life and death or body, mind and soul or past, present and future.
My colleague Birgit Sehrer writes about this:
The triskele is a Celtic symbol and means: “from eternity to eternity – without beginning, without end”. Thus, among other things, it stands for infinity and the immortal spirit. Translated, triskele means “three-legged”, which symbolizes the shape of three circular arcs arranged radially symmetrically. In Celtic mythology, triskele also stands for trinity, for example, birth, life and death or body, mind and soul, past, present and future.
The triple triskele indicates the number THREE in all areas of life. And it also serves as a general symbol for the beginning and the end of a life path. The cycle of birth, blossom and demise, which determines life, is visible in it. We can also use the Celtic triple spiral to help us become aware that life and its cycles are always closing one circle so that a new one can begin. When old gates close, new ones open.

The hummingbird and its meaning as a shamanic power animal
Interesting facts from mythology, “medicine” & dream interpretation
As a shamanic power animal, the hummingbird brings pure joy in life as well as a life of love. It contains the ability to see the beauty in all things as well as to bring out the best in people and the good in every situation.
It is said that when the hummingbird comes into our lives as a power animal, we are encouraged to surrender to the beauty and abundance of life. He teaches us to build up and give warmth of heart to change the world a little bit for the better through positive deeds.
The appearance of a hummingbird in a dream is interpreted to mean that old wounds want to be healed. As a messenger from the spiritual world announces he reminds of the light of the soul and calls to bring more love and harmony in life.
In many Native American cultures, the hummingbird has special significance. It is considered the totem for the eastern soul path of clarity in the medicine wheel, where it teaches how to overcome obstacles, solve problems or work out strategies with skill and speed.
The Mayans and Aztecs saw in him a symbol of the sun and love, but also a connoisseur of magic and opener of hearts. Hummingbird feathers were also used for incense, for example in love rituals and soul retrievals, because it was believed that the hummingbird could bring back both love and the soul. The Mayans understand him as a messenger of a new world, who has come from the future to our time to give us light, hope and love and to prepare us for the future era.
The hummingbird, unlike any other bird, can fly in any direction and even hover. With its long, pointed beak, it can suck nectar from a variety of flowers. It is said to bring the free spirit as well as the magic of the spiritual realm into earthly activities and can help make life’s processes a dance of beauty.
These text excerpts are from Wiebke Haarkemper’s page Shamanic Power Animals.