We always manifest
Masters and houses do not fall from the sky
Manifesting does not mean that the finished house falls out of the sky.
My favorite explanation of one of the most important hermeneutic laws is: “Imagine you want your own house. You think about what it should look like and where it should be located – a glass house in the forest, a luxury villa by the sea, a penthouse in Paris? Then you buy a building site, commission an architect, and at some point the excavators, bricklayers and upholsterers arrive. And one day you’ll be standing in front of your finished dream house …
Your dream house was created by your first thought: “I want a house”. And this thought is all beginning, it is creative. “Everything is spirit” is the hermeneutic law to it. However, many have already failed at the thought that this pure wishing and visualizing is sufficient for a dream house to come into being. I believe that a finished house does not fall from the sky!
Spirit is spirit and creates matter, but not simply like that and certainly also not without my assistance – it thinks there in me. Of course it is important to hold the focus, thus to keep my goal before eyes, because the energy follows the attention. Nevertheless, wishing, ordering, thinking, focusing and visualizing is not enough for a house wall to come into being. At least that is my experience so far. Although I can imagine quite well that it is possible to let matter come into being quasi directly from the ‘nothing’, as Jesus or probably also Sai Baba have done it – probably I still lack the faith in my creativeness there….
“Help yourself and God will help you” comes to mind. I would say that the dream house comes into being through the cooperation of the wisher with the universe or the spirit world. And I believe that the Universe does not drop a ready-made house from the sky, but inspirations on how to put my idea into practice. These are the famous ‘too-cases’, i.e. people and possibilities that virtually fall at my feet. And then it’s up to me whether I accept the opportunity and implement it or not.

Do you know the so-called ‘too-cases’?
These can be people or opportunities that fall in front of my feet, so to speak. And then it is up to me whether I accept the opportunity and implement it or not.
The infinite field of possibilities
The difficulty with manifesting lies in the fact that we have a subconscious in addition to the – let’s call it: superconscious and the waking conscious. And this can get in the way of our conscious manifestation. So if, on the one hand, I visualize my dream house and, on the other hand, I have an unconscious belief system that says, for example, “I’m not worth it,” then there’s no way I’m going to get that dream house in the forest, by the sea or in Paris.
The good news is: change is always possible! It is possible at any time to change your beliefs and thus come to a “I am worth it”. In Reiki we have the 2nd symbol and the mental healing for this. And then it becomes much easier to draw from the infinite field of possibilities – or the omnipresent quantum field. “Everything is contained in everything”. So you can become creative in the truest sense of the word, in which you consciously decide for one or the other.
However, if you choose the Difficulty program, for example, because you think your life must be strenuous in order to be valuable, then you will certainly constantly face greater challenges and resistance due to the Law of Resonance. “My life is allowed to be easy” would be an appropriate new belief set. I have made the experience that it is important not only to think this belief, but especially to feel it.
The law of attraction, also known as the law of resonance, states that like attracts like. This also means that there is a connection between our inner world of thoughts and feelings and the outer conditions of life. We create them ourselves.

If you know that you can decide – always and everywhere – and that this decision decides about the quality of your life …
What do you choose?
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Half empty or half full?
Basically you can say that we manifest always and everywhere, mostly unfortunately unconsciously. Everyone knows the famous question: Is the glass half full or half empty? This way of looking at things is in my own hands, as is the decision whether I want to continue to nag and feel like a victim or take responsibility for myself and my life. So, from this point of view, I don’t have to be enlightened to be able to manifest.
So in addition to the frequency, intensity, power of visualization and the feeling with which the thoughts are accompanied, it is important that we turn the unconscious into a conscious manifestation. This total package is decisive if and how fast something manifests in your life. And with this you can then also consciously bring joy, peace, freedom and abundance into your life. Hooray!
A wise little guide
The following quote is attributed to the English writer Charles Reade (1814 – 1884), but could also be based on a Chinese proverb:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
The best thing is to read it several times, possibly even make yours a mine and repeat the sentences again and again until you have understood them in depth. I wish you much joy and success!