The golden October
What is the gold in your life?
Im Nebel ruhet noch die Welt, noch träumen Wald und Wiesen; bald siehst du, wenn der Schleier fällt, den blauen Himmel unverstellt, herbstkräftig die gedämpfte Welt in warmem Golde fließen.“
Eduard Mörike (1827)
The term golden October is an old one, as it is documented to have been used several hundred years ago. This German term refers to the foliage coloration of deciduous forests, which show a golden hue during the autumnal, yellow-reddish sunlight, especially at sunrise or sunset. Indian summer. I love it! And I love the smell.
In the word golden here is also the reference to the beauty and specialness that we can experience in nature if we get involved with it. Gold had and has a high value in many cultures – not only as a means of payment, but also since early historical times as a basic material for ritual objects and jewelry. It is especially valued for the durability of its luster, its rarity as well as its imperishability. Alchemists have also tried their hand at it. And Rumpelstiltskin knew about the art of spinning gold from straw.

The so-called golden October invites us to think about abundance and also about its opposite pole, lack. In Spiritual Business Mentoring we go deep into this topic …
Abundance – or how do I become rich?
Fullness then also comes to my mind at this point. FULNESS – a term that has different meanings for different people: For some it is the accumulation of material things, others feel rich when they have recovered after an illness, others see their fulfillment in inner wealth.
I believe that abundance is a natural principle of the universe. And I am sure that we strive for it, but that we ‘only’ have to / should / may open ourselves to it. It is about recognizing the abundance in me and around me and allowing myself to open to it.
For example, I feel rich when I have time to look at the sky or the trees. Watching plants grow or bees gather. Or when I can do and, above all, not do what I want. When I find meaning in what I do. When I feel that I am loved. That is true wealth and luxury for me.
Maybe stop reading at this point and ask yourself:
- What do you associate with the word abundance?
- When do you feel rich?
- When are you fulfilled?

For me, having time and following my needs and intuition without deadline pressure means living in abundance, for example. However, we often do not allow ourselves to do this because we have learned something else. In Reiki-Coachings or the online offers we can find the preventers and strengthen the supporters.
Can abundance be consciously brought into your life?
I always wonder how it is that we – at least most of us in the Western world – live in abundance but often create scarcity?
You probably know the condition that at the end of the day you have the feeling that you have not done enough, right? And don’t you often feel more or less frustrated that you haven’t done enough of the things on your to-do list today?
Ask yourself right now: What kind of feeling does this create in you? What are you focusing on with this?
To lack. Spiritually, this means that we thus bring even more of it into our lives, because: Energy follows attention. That on which I direct my focus will grow. In my basic Reiki courses, I like to describe it this way: Let’s take the example of a plant of which I make two offshoots; one I nurture, water, fertilize and make sure it gets enough light and warmth – and the other offshoot I pay no attention to at all. What happens?
Sure. This is a living example for the application of the hermeneutic laws, as we do it for example in the full moon manifestation. These universal laws I consider especially important today and above all with conscious handling for the alpha and omega of a self-determined, actively formed happy life in abundance. And it is not sooo difficult – it needs some training in thought and feeling hygiene … 😉

Gratitude is a surprisingly effective and yet relatively simple key to also move your (sub)consciousness away from lack and towards abundance….
Gratitude is a key …
One technique to transform this feeling of lack described above is to keep a gratitude journal. I like to write down at least three things I am grateful for every day. Many do this in the evening, I like to align myself with abundance first thing in the morning. It’s up to you.
With this relatively effortless action you can consciously direct, align and train your mind. You consciously direct your creative focus on what you are grateful for and in this way invite even more abundance into your life.
Simple and effective, just the way I like it … 😉
… and learning to receive is one more …
Especially in my spiritual business mentoring sessions, I experience that women in particular and of all people often have a pronounced inability to receive. And often the root of this is the learned (erroneous) belief that love is not unconditional. This then gives rise to beliefs such as: “I have to achieve something so that I am worthy of being loved” or “I don’t get money from things that bring me joy, but when I work hard for it” and so on and so forth.
Perhaps we have had the experience as children that parents are happy and clap when we manage a somersault. Or we may have learned that if we are good, we are assured of our parents’ love. But if we cry or scream because we feel like it, the reactions from stressed parents may be less loving. And this is not about blaming, but about observing a natural, human reaction.
Stop for a moment and ask yourself:
- Do you find it easy or difficult to accept gifts, compliments or help?
And if you like, try the following:
- From now on, consciously pay attention to and train yourself to receive something. Practice accepting – and don’t give in to the impulse to want to give something back right away.
- Make also once consciously the gesture with the hands, if you give something. And then make the gesture when you take something. Is there a difference?
Now I also wish you that you find your FULFILLMENT and can live. I am happy to be there for you and am available to you with advice and action, both in individual sessions as well as in the various group offers – you can find the dates in October in the overview. I am already looking forward to our work together!

I live and work mainly in Cyprus – a dream also for many other people. In the full moon mainfestation group we use my experience as well as the effective power of the full moon to come closer to your desired life by means of a meditative ritual. In 2022 another group will start …