Meditation & mediality are not witchcraft
Cooperation with the spirit world is possible
You’ve probably experienced this too: You have a feeling in your gut. For example, that a certain person is about to call. And – bang – the phone rings. You can’t really explain it, because it has nothing to do with logic. Or you meet a person and realize that you feel attracted to him, even though you don’t know him. In these cases you may wonder, but you don’t compare, you don’t weigh, but you evaluate a situation or even a person without hesitation.
This is intuition and it helps you to distinguish deception from truth. Intuition was the topic in my last blog post and it is a building block of mediumship. These fine, inner antennas train and train also in the trainings in my Intuitive Reiki and that already from the first degree, so the basic course in Intuitive Reiki. In the second degree, that is, the advanced course in Intuitive Reiki, which is especially about the opening of the third eye, your intuition becomes even finer and more clearly perceptible.

Maybe you want to combine learning and vacation?
I also offer the training courses in Intuitive Reiki in my adopted country Cyprus. The energy on the sunny island as well as here in my house, yard and garden is very special and has a very supportive effect.
You can also read your medial abilities from the expression of this sixth sense. Whereby I believe that the potential for this is in every person, the sensitivity must only be awakened again. Medially inclined or trained people are usually very sensitive, sensitive, perceive smells or sounds more intensively, have a pronounced empathy and also a strong instinct, may also have dreams, premonitions or visions and react sensitively to positive and negative energies that prevail, for example, in a group or a room.
So you perceive not only the material world and the obvious, but also what lies in between or behind – let’s call it the vibrations or the spiritual, subtle. Today, people often speak of high sensitivity. I don’t like this term so much, because it often appears in connection with pathological disorders. I, on the other hand, consider intuition, as well as the ability of extrasensory perception or supersensory perception, to be normal, it is just unfortunately little used in modern society, so it is not trained and is considered rather strange.
Mediumistic abilities show themselves in the form of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairsentience and clairvoyance. Usually there is also a pronounced empathy towards people, plants and animals – you can feel what the other person feels or how he is doing. Some mediums can also read thoughts or auras or contact souls of deceased and spiritual, ie not materialized entities or light beings. This needs some practice. If you want to act as a medium, i.e. as a mediator between material and non-material dimensions, it is essential that you have learned to make yourself empty and ready to receive and to make your head still. Meditation is also a helpful tool for this.

Everybody has the potential for clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairsentience and clairvoyance can be learned and trained. For example, on plants by focusing on their energy radiation.
Playfully test your medial abilities
You can try the following little exercise:
- Surely you have different plants at home. Choose two of them, preferably two completely different ones, whose energy radiation you now want to consciously perceive.
- Stand in front of the first one, put your hands together in front of your chest in the Gassho or Namaste posture.
- Connect well with the ground you are standing on, for example by imagining that you are putting roots into the earth (see also exercise: Standing like a tree).
- Then breathe deeply at least three times and go with your attention consciously into your palms or into the space between your palms. What do you feel? And what do you feel when you separate them a little? And slowly bring them together again? Feel free to play with it a little.
- Then hold your hands just above, in front of or around the selected plant. What do you feel in the palms of your hands? Take your time to perceive with your hands and playfully move them a bit to feel exactly. Your attention remains in the palms or the space between them.
- When you are ready, go to the next plant and repeat this process. Also feel the energy radiation of the plant in your palms. How does this plant feel? Same or different from the first one?
- Thank your plants and return to your everyday consciousness.

The conscious establishment of contact and the reception of messages from the spiritual world is especially today so necessary and also so easy as never before.
Eavesdropping is the magic word …
Channeling is not “witchcraft” either
As in the above exercise, one can also learn and practice channeling, that is, consciously establishing contact and receiving messages from the spiritual world. I am still not a great friend of this term, but so far I have not been able to find another one that describes what it is all about in a way that everyone can understand. Channeling does not sound so much spiritual – receiving perhaps? This still existing little resistance with the word is probably based on my first experience with channeling, which I had about 15 years ago. I was invited to an event for which a woman was announced who was channeling Archangel Raphael as a medium.
To make a long story short: I was sitting in the circle of chairs and had a grumpy feeling in my stomach and the thought that something was wrong. An inner voice said: “She is channeling, but not Archangel Raphael”. At the same time I reprimanded myself for this, because another voice inside me said that I had no idea about the matter and that I was not entitled to such a judgment. I was still relatively at the beginning of my spiritual development, so I was also still uncertain with regard to my intuitive inputs. You surely also know that your head then asks the question: “Is that right now? Am I just imagining this? Is this my head or is this really an inspiration from above or from my soul or my heart – or from whom actually comes this voice…? “?
At the same time, however, I had also learned in the years since my accident in 2000 to be able to rely on this feeling, this inner knowledge – even today I like to say to my clients: “Truth is something that every person can feel. And since the near-death experience, I have had a good connection to Above, also because the doubts about this other world, the spiritual world, have been dispelled since then. Since then, communication with the light level has been easy for me. So when I sat in the circle of chairs at that time, it was noticeable to me that the medium had opened an energy field and that ‘something’ was present. “So I might as well ask,” I thought to myself. The answer from the “off” corresponded to my feeling: it was not Raphael, indeed a light being, but just not this archangel. So my intuition, the gut feeling had been right.

I love to go into the connection with the light world. The best way to do that is out in nature. There are special places that make it easy to become still, wide and high-frequency. Raising your own vibration is also an essential exercise in my channeling-trainings.
Cooperation with the spirit world
Since then, and increasingly in recent years, I have made it my mission to help other people access their intuition and mediumistic abilities. My experience is that you need a good connection, both to Mother Earth and to Father Sky and especially to yourself. And that it is essential to stop one’s own thought carousel, i.e. to become still, in order to be able to receive, i.e. to perceive at all.
The first step is often meditation – and because many people find it difficult, often due to their own ideas, I have developed a special meditation personal training in addition to the various group offers, in which we find your individual form of meditation, which then also works and brings joy. And then it can go further – for example with channelling.
I feel the contact to the light world, as I like to call it, is so important at the moment and above all so easy to establish as never before. And so I am offering a channeling training group for the first time this year. The first one has already run and was so great that the participants wanted to add a practice group to it. In September, the second group will start, especially for people who want to learn the basics, techniques and different forms and then practice, practice, practice.
Especially very sensitive people often find it difficult to be in groups and block themselves – then it is better to do one or more individual trainings (please contact me if you want this). Or it is because inner saboteurs – like the doubter or the critic – get in the way, preventing both the connection to the inner voice and to the spiritual world. To get these inner parts quiet, it usually takes a somewhat longer process of clearing and development – I call this eight-week transformation process Spiriway.
I am looking forward to us going on a journey of discovery together and bringing out the treasures that lie dormant in you from your unconsciousness – that will be great! I would like to summarize it like this:
Mediumship needs intuition. Intuition needs silence. Silence needs emptiness. Emptiness needs trust. Trust needs devotion.
And we women in particular are allowed to live devotion more again. I am very happy to support YOU in this!

I have made it my mission to give other people access to their intuition and mediumistic abilities.
My experience is that you need a good connection, both to Mother Earth and to Father Sky, and above all to yourself.
Because making oneself empty and opening oneself are the building blocks for successful contact with the spirit world.
Let me sum it up this way:
Mediumship needs intuition. Intuition needs silence. Silence needs emptiness. Emptiness needs trust. Trust needs devotion.