“Alle Menschen werden als Prinzen und Prinzessinnen geboren, bis man sie glauben macht, sie seien Frösche.”
nach Eric Berne
Together – working
A new we is possible
I am a great friend of togetherness, complementing each other and bundling different knowledge and experience treasures! And I am convinced that without a real cooperation we will hardly find solutions for the challenges of our time. Maybe you already know the term Co-Creation? That’s where I see our future.
And I see immense advantages in the interdisciplinary cooperation of the different therapy methods which complement each other in the sense of a holistic view of symptomatology – both for the clients and for the healing therapists, naturopaths, doctors and therapists.
Therefore, I work with different people, institutions and centers in different places around the world.
If you are interested in a cooperation, please contact me.

Friends, networkers and cooperation partners
- Andrea Leitold, Seelenwissen
- Christine Denzel, Impulse für Ihr Leben
- Collegium medizin-24 – Praxisgemeinschaft für Ganzheitliche Medizin, Wiesbaden
- Eila – alles außer-gewöhnlich, Eila Witt
- Feenstein-Lädchen, Kiedrich
- Geburtshaus Idstein
- Galli Theater, Wiesbaden
- Heilpraxis Birgit Grobbecker
- Ilona Tamas
- Lebensträume, Wolfgang Maiworm
- Leben im Einklang, Janina Köck
- Morgana Esoterik, Thomas Reintgen
- Naturheilpraxis Sigrid Schellhaas
- Pams Reiki, Pamela Stelzer
- Parimal Gut Hübenthal e.G.
- Pension Weinig, Gersfeld / Rhön
- Perlenfischer, Event agency for sustainable travel
- Practice for holistic women’s health, Gabi Hase
- Praxis für Osteopathie, Johanna Siekmann
- ProReiki – der Berufsverband e.V.
- Reiki Convention – Verantsalter Frank Doerr
- Reiki Convention in Bulgaria – Veranstalter Stefan Kanev
- Reiki Do Institut Norddeutschland, Frank Glatzer
- Reiki Festival
- Reiki Magazin
- Reiki rund um Schwangerschaft und Geburt, an older project of mine
- Reiki-Sonne, Regina Zipfl
- Reiki-Verband Deutschland e.V.
- Seminarhaus Sampurna
- Sina Pürner, Sipuba Life journey support
- Sirona Wiesbadener Frauengesundheitszentrum e.V.
- Schintech, Wolfgang Schindler
- Sonnenhof, Myriam Svensson
- TB-Kosmetik, Tanja Brummer
- Yogastern, Stefanie Weyrauch
- Wiesbadens Hebammerei, Andrea Vierlinger
- Zeit für Energie, Andrea Nowack

Services I would not want to miss
- Signal, the secure alternative to WhatsApp
- Wikipedia, Knowledge without end and also still freely accessible
- Reporter ohne Grenzen, Information without group constraint
- Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Help without medical association worldwide
- Linux, an operating system that works and costs nothing